Five on Friday

five on friday

  1. It’s Superbowl Sunday this weekend! Also known as the pre-This is Us show. I’m in the mood for buffalo chicken so I’m going to be making this buffalo chicken recipe and then using that to make this amazing sounding Buffalo Chicken Twist.
  2. I went to a yard sale today. Now, I’m a thrift store person. I hadn’t attended a yard sale since I was eight years old in San Diego where I purchased my first and last fur coat. But everyone in town was talking about this yard sale, so after I dropped my husband off I went to check it out. For four bucks I procured a Rachel Ray cookbook, a hardback Nicholas Sparks novel, and a nice long sweater. Recently I thrifted some bodycon maternity dresses and I have a rather large um… caboose, so I’m looking for sweaters and kimonos that can work through the rest of Winter and Spring.
  3. Currently reading Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth. My favorite quote so far: “Talent is how quickly your skills improve when you invest effort. Achievement is what happens when you take your acquired skills and use them.” I’ll do a mini-review when I’m done.
  4. This week I started listening to The Influencer Podcast, specifically Episode 8 with Angela Lanter. I’m kinda new to podcasts but I was excited when I found this one because I recognized like three whole interviewees!
  5. Our pastor is preaching through the book of Jonah this month, so I’ve decided Jonah will be my book of study this month. I use the Abide method from Risen Motherhood as well as some of the techniques I learned from Jen Wilken in Women of the Word.

Have a great weekend! See y’all Tuesday for Tending List Tuesday.